I Was Served Lemons, But I Made Lemonade

I Was Served Lemons, But I Made Lemonade


The I Was Served Lemons, But I Made Lemonade workshop is an examination of Beyoncé's experience with her personal trauma in dealing with infidelity, the cycle of trauma, the historical systemic racism she and her community face, and how through a lens of trauma-informed care we can grow from Servers to Empowered Servers.  

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The transition from Server to Empowered Server hinges on a critical reflection and exercise in forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't about who or what you are forgiving, it's about you. It's about releasing yourself from the burden of being wronged, victimized or harboring negative energy that just continues to harm you.

We have delivered this workshop to over 150 participants already and have helped begin their journey to becoming Empowered Servers through collaborations with Arizona Serve and Mobilization for Positive Futures.

Arizona Serve is an AmeriCorps program of Prescott College and their mission is to empower communities to address poverty through service and volunteerism.

Emerson Kuhn and Symonne Hornaday designed this workshop with help from Angie Cole (www.angie-cole.com) and implemented it for the first time with help from Celia Robidoux. We had a great turn out and the workshop was received with enthusiasm!

If this workshop sounds like something your team or organization needs, please feel free to reach out to us! You can use the contact form to reach us or email directly to emerson@poprelevancy.com. Pricing is based on a variety of factors and your needs. We have options for any budget!